Thursday, January 14, 2010

Growing up

As unprepared for it as I was, the reality has finally hit me that my little baby is growing up.

This week regrettably marks the first week since May of 2003 that I have not been pregnant or nursing. For nearly seven years I was blessed with the privilege and honor of carrying each of my four children in my womb and then subsequently nursing them for their first year to eighteen months of their life. Understandably to me, this is somewhat of an empty feeling inside. Where I once felt my children's every move, I now feel nothing; where I once provided comfort and nourishment, I now feel dry. My responsibility and role as their mother in each of my children's lives has now changed, yet at the same time I realize it is equally important. Though I grieve for the loss of each of their baby years I look forward to sharing in their growing youth and the blessings, moments and memories that will come with them.


The Svoboda Family

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"Every good and perfect gift is from above..." James 1:17

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