Saturday, February 27, 2010

Photo-a-day: Day 24-27

Day 24: Dinner guest

Day 25:
She hasn't let me take her picture since before valentine's least not close-up anyway. She had quite the shiner there for a little of her many battle wounds from rough housing with her siblings. Thank God it is healing...

She found this bead on the floor just after I snapped the last image and told me she wanted me to take a picture of it. I had to smile and just remind myself to be thankful she wasn't sticking it up her she unfortunately has been known to do in the past. But do not fear, this bead was a clean bead. That last one she had up her nose now has a new home in a specimen jar sitting on top of her dresser upstairs. Gosh, does she ever make me laugh.

Math Activities:

Breaking out the piggy banks...




Day 26:

Day 27:

This little guy has had a rough go of it the past two days. Sick with a stomach bug. It is just wiping him right out.

Game time. Thought I would set up my tripod and set the timer on my camera to actually get a picture of the kids and I playing a board game before Joseph woke up from his nap. Hunter thought it important that he not be excluded...


The Svoboda Family

My photo
"Every good and perfect gift is from above..." James 1:17

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